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NOIR artist is a professional visual painter that brings soul to the walls.

NOIR artist est un peintre plasticien professionnel qui donne une âme aux murs.

Who we are

Lucien Gilson alias NOIR


Lucien Gilson (aka NOIR artist) is a high level professional painter, muralist and graphic designer.

Lucien makes paintings (murals and canvases) of all dimensions and fully personalized.

NOIR gives a powerful artistic message to your projects.

Martin Gilson - Credit photo : Idrisse Hidara


Graduated from the University of Liège and trained in Digital Marketing, Martin Gilson is the "project manager" of NOIR artist.

His objective is to let Lucien concentrate exclusively on his art and that nothing comes to disrupt his inspiration.

What we do


Mural painting

Paintings, drawings, monumental murals, wall art, trompe l'oeil, decoration and urban design ... You have the choice to customize your space.


Work on canvas

From Liège to Singapore, via Brussels and Strasbourg, NOIR creates and exhibits his work in art galleries as well as art fairs around the world.



NOIR Artist collaborates with many internationally renowned brands and companies (Philips Healthcare, Microsoft, Sony Music, La Curtius Brewery, etc.), communication agencies and cities.



NOIR artist brings art into your events and your business products.

They trusted us

Want some art in your projects?